Issue date: 13 Jun, 2011





Vías Verdes (greenways) are old disused railway lines that have been recovered and reconditioned for use by walkers, cyclists and ecotourism purposes. Currently there are over 80 routes spread across the country, with kilometric distances that vary depending on the layout, and new sections are still being set up.

The Vías Verdes project was initiated in 1993 aiming at turning more than 7,000 kilometres of rail lines in disuse into a space for leisure and outdoor sports. So far, more than 1,800 kilometres have been opened for the use and enjoyment of walkers, cyclists and people with disabilities. One of the main characteristics of these routes is the easy accessibility to the public, given that they are flat paths that can be used by all types of sportspeople.

In a clear commitment to sustainable development and the revitalization of rural areas, tourism is being promoted in each area of different routes and restoration works in old railway stations are being carried out turn them into restaurants, museums, accommodation areas and rental of bikes and horses. All routes are marked with old wooden railway sleepers and the specific organization logo.

The Vías Verdes programme is coordinated by the Spanish Railway Foundation with the collaboration of the Ministry for the Environment (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Rural y Marino) and the regional and local authorities.

This Spanish programme has been extended in other European countries and in 1998, in Namur (Belgium), the European Greenways Association was established with the aim to promote and inform about anything related to the creation of Greenways on a European level, with members of 60 organisations from 14 countries.

The stamp depicts two walkers by a disused railway line and the Vías Verdes logo.