Issue date: 16 Mar, 2012

CATEDRALES. Catedral de Burgos


CATEDRALES. Catedral de Burgos


The Cathedral of Burgos is one of the most beautiful and representative buildings of the European Gothic. It is an outstanding architectural complex, featuring in this souvenir sheet issued by Correos in the series devoted to Cathedrals.

As with most Cathedrals, this beautiful temple was built over several centuries. Its construction began in 1221 by order of King Ferdinand III at the time of Bishop Don Mauricio, it was consecrated in 1260 and works continued until 1765. Over time elements such as the cloister were added to the original building and its three aisles, ambulatory, transept, sacristy and 19 chapels. In the 15th century, commissioned by Bishop Alonso de Cartagena, master builder Juan de Colonia completed the towers with spires of open stonework tracery. At the end of the century, Simon de Cologne was commissioned by Don Pedro Fernandez de Velasco to build the magnificent Chapel of the Constables. The altarpiece of the chapel, with its beautiful carving of Santa Maria la Mayor is of Renaissance style.

The dome of the transept and the splendid and beautiful Golden Staircase were built in the 16th century. The latter, inspired by the Italian Renaissance, is the work of Diego de Siloé. The chapel of Santa Tecla with its unique baroque decoration is from the 18th century. In the construction of the Cathedral numerous architects and artists were involved such as Master Enrique, Pedro Sánchez, Juan Pérez, Juan Vallejo and Francisco de Colonia. Similarly, there are works by extraordinary artists such as sculptors Gil and Diego de Siloé, painters Alonso de Sedano and glassmaker Arnao of Flanders. Other highlights are the chapels of the Presentation, of the Relics, St. James, and the Visitation. In the outside and in addition to the beautiful view offered by its stylish twin towers there is a stunning rose window located on the main façade where we also find the door or the Royal Pardon and a gallery comprising stone figures of the eight Kings of Castile above which is the image of Saint Mary. Also on the outside there are three uniquely decorated doors; The Sarmental door from the 13th century, the Gothic Coronería or Apostles door and the Pellejería door built by Francisco de Colonia in 1516.

For its magnificence and beauty the Cathedral of Burgos has been declared World Heritage Site in 1984.