Issue date: 13 Jul, 2012





The Cathedral of Oviedo, a flamboyant gothic building, is devoted to San Salvador (The Saviour), patron saint of Oviedo and is commonly known as Sancta Ovetensis due to the many relics kept in its Holy Chamber.

The construction of the temple began in the 14th century after the previous Pre- Romanesque and Romanesque basilicas had been demolished, and works lasted until the 18th century, thus offering a unique example of different architectural styles. It has a Latin cross with three naves of different height, a transept and an ambulatory.

The main façade of the Cathedral presents a decorated portico and two towers. The left one was never completed and only rises to the height of the nave of the church. The one on the right is from the 16th century Gothic Renaissance. It is about 80 meters high and is divided into five sections, with pinnacles in its angles which gradually decrease to the top floor. It is an openwork chapitel in a modern Renaissance style.

The porch has three doors giving access to the Cathedral, the centre one being the largest and most ornate. The jambs are decorated with carved pedestals for sculptures that were never placed there and it is crowned with a relief of the Transfiguration. It has two twin doors in walnut decorated with figures of the Saviour, St. Eulalia of Merida, other busts and medallions.

Inside, the temple is covered with ribbed vaults and has some lateral chapels devoted to Santa Barbara, Cristo de Velarde, Covadonga, King Castro, the vigils and Santa Eulalia. In the main chapel there stands the altarpiece, divided into five vertical bodies depicting passages of the life, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is mainly Gothic but has slight traces of Renaissance. It is considered one of the finest Gothic altarpieces in Spain.

The souvenir sheet depicts the main façade of the Cathedral with its portico and slender tower. The central door, with the arches in different sizes, the frontispiece and the mullion illustrate the stamp.