Issue date: 06 Sep, 2012





The Micology issue consists of three types of wild mushroom: Entoloma Lividum, Amanita Verna and Calocybe Gambosa.

AMANITA VERNA. This white mushroom is deadly and grows in the spring. The cap is white, measures between 5 and 10 cm, and is generally semi-spherical, although once fully grown it takes on a flat shape, with closely packed white gills.The stipe is slim and long, with a ring at the top and at its base the circular volva typical of the Amanita genus.It is not often found in Spain and grows in evergreen woodlands as well as in deciduous ones. Together with Phalloides and Virosa, they form the trio of the deadly Amanita genus.

ENTOLOMA LIVIDUM. This is also known as livid pinkgill. It is toxic and is one of the mushrooms which causes most cases of poisoning.The cap is an ivory colour, ochre or creamy and can grow to as much as 20 cm across. Initially it is globular, later becoming convex with a curved lip and never going completely flat. The gills are yellowish or salmon coloured. The stipe is thick, whitish and thick at the base.It grows in autumn in oak and beech forests grouped in circles or strings.It can be confused with Calocybe Gambosa, although the latter has white gills and grows in spring. It causes severe stomach disorders.

CALOCYBE GAMBOSA. Commonly known as St. George’s mushroom and in the Basque country as Perretxiko. The cap is white, light ochre or cream coloured and can grow to up to 12 cm across, initially convex with rolled up edges and later nearly flat. The gills are white. The stipe is white, robust and of variable length. It grows in spring in fields and under hawthorns and bushes, always in a group.It is excellent when eaten and is much prized. It may be confused with Entoloma Lividum, which is very toxic, although the latter grows in the autumn.