Issue date: 08 Mar, 2012





Tapestries, like paintings and sculptures, were prized works of art in the Renaissance and up till the 19th century and besides their artistic value they were used for decoration purposes.

The Spanish crown’s collection of tapestries is probably one of the world's most important in its kind not only because of their quantity and complete thematic series but because of their excellent quality. Many of those that make up the National Heritage collection are of Flemish origin from the 16th and 17th centuries and were commissioned by the Spanish monarchs given the links between Spain and Flanders at the time.

The tapestries were designed by the great European painters of the time and made by top upholsters such as Gerard Peemans (around 1660), a master upholsterer who made a number of tapestries amongst which are those belonging to the series Dido and Aeneas and the History of the Great Zenobia and the Emperor Aurelian, fragments of which have featured in past stamp issues. This year’s souvenir sheet depicts the tapestry Matron and warrior in a boat made in silk and wool and manufactured in Brussels by the aforementioned Gerard Peemans. It belongs to the National Heritage collection of the Royal Palace of Madrid.

The souvenir sheet depicts the full tapestry in which a matron sits on a boat and a warrior walks away leaning on a cane or spear. The upper part is decorated with a frieze with floral motifs and abundant vegetation on the background.