Issue date: 03 Oct, 2013

América UPAEP


América UPAEP


AMERICA UPAEP. Fight Against Discrimination

Discrimination means "treating a person or a group as inferior for racial, religious or political reasons, etc.” And that is the tenor of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights when, in article 2, it states that: “

However, and despite the efforts made by the United Nations, international bodies, governments and other organisations to establish equality among people, discrimination remains present in the world and in society. There are characteristics which are inherent in a person, such as their origin, race or skin colour, which cannot be changed; but there are others which are learnt, such as religion, culture, ideology or social position (rich/poor), which can be changed and which must be addressed in order to avoid discrimination. In this regard, education is an essential tool in order to achieve tolerance and social diversity. The fight against racism, rejection, exclusion or xenophobia, the need for equality between the sexes and the equality of rights and obligations are some of the points to be inculcated among the young, to thus achieve a more plural, diversified society which eradicates discrimination.

In recent years, the European Union has launched different programmes to fight against discrimination, whose objectives include informing citizens of their rights and responsibilities, to take measures for those who suffer discriminatory injustice.

The stamp, designed by the Jesús Sánchez Studio, bears the slogan: Don't turn your back. It captures the image of a young woman who is looking at a group of people who have their backs to us, in an attitude of helplessness.