Issue date: 27 Jun, 2013





In 2010, and by unanimous agreement of all the political parties, the Plenary Session of the Congress of Deputies established 27 June as the Day of the Victims of Terrorism. To mark this commemoration, the Spanish postal service released a stamp demonstrating its revulsion at terrorism and its support to the victims.

The phenomenon of terrorism is one of the most serious problems that affects society in today's world. Whether due to ideological, racial, religious or other reasons, it is sadly a reality that no society is completely safe from. Thus, from the most pacific, democratic countries to those suffering more widespread violence, terrorism has been an indiscriminate scourge on the population.

If democratic societies are characterised by their desire for peaceful coexistence and freedom, terrorism is the greatest expression of violence, hatred, fanaticism and irrationality. It is totally incompatible with the Rule of Law and the most basic respect of people's fundamental freedoms and rights. The fight against terrorism is fought through legal channels, the action of Justice and international cooperation, and the unanimous rejection by society as a whole. In allusion to this matter, King Juan Carlos said that "Ending the scourge of terrorism, using all the instruments of the Rule of Law, is an unavoidable priority for all free and democratic countries which cannot tolerate its crimes, intimidations or blackmail”.

Terrorism affects the victims and their families, but also the country as a whole, creating a climate of fear and insecurity.

The Day of the Victims of Terrorism is a tribute to all those who lost their lives or their rights and it is a reminder to the survivors and their families that they are not alone, that they have the support of the Government and society.

The stamp bears the universal gesture of the raised hands which means "No" to terrorism, "Enough!" It is the work of the designer Lucinda Morrissey.