Issue date: 06 Nov, 2013






The Christmas 2013 issue is made up of two stamps, one depicting a religious image featuring the painting La Virgen de la Leche by Alonso Cano and the other depicting the clock from the Puerta del Sol in Madrid and the traditional grapes to celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

The oil painting of La Virgen de la Leche was painted by Alonso Cano (Granada, 1601-1667) around 1659. It depicts the image of a young woman nursing a baby on her lap. The child is leaning against the arm of the mother and his head is looking back. The painting reflects an atmosphere of great sweetness and serenity and it is considered to be one of the masterpieces of Alonso Cano. It belongs to his period of maturity, far from the gloomy and strong chiaroscuros of his early years and it is influenced by Venetian colour trends with its lighter tones as seen in the red tunic and bright blue robe. The painting is kept in the Museum of Guadalajara, located in the Palace of the Infantry and it is one of its most important pieces.

The Palacio del Infantado was built around 1480 as a home to the Duke and Duchess of the Infantado. It is a jewel of civil architecture and presents a mix of styles and influences of Gothic and Renaissance art. In 1973 it became the Museum of Guadalajara.


Happy New Year! is the message featuring in the second Christmas stamp which is illustrated with the clock from the Puerta del Sol in Madrid and the traditional twelve grapes.

A custom in Madrid in the late 19th century imposed the intake of twelve grapes at the chimes of the clock in the Puerta del Sol. The practice soon spread throughout Spain and seems to have its origins in a surplus of grapes in the area of ​​Alicante and Murcia. A grape is eaten at each chime with the wish for a prosperous and happy new year. This Spanish tradition became popular in Latin American countries where in some places fresh grapes are replaced by raisins like in Argentina. The arrival of the New Year is celebrated differently in each country. In Italy for example, it is customary to make a lentil soup and in Greece a cake is baked with a coin inside which promises a year of happiness for the person who finds it.