Issue date: 04 Jul, 2013





Three ecclesiastical figures feature in this Famous Characters series

Friar Rosendo Salvado y Rotea (Tui, Pontevedra, 1814, Rome, Italy, 1900) was a Benedictine missionary monk and the first abbot of the diocese of New Norcia in Western Australia. At 15 he joined the Order of St. Benedict where he studied humanities and music. In 1835, with the confiscation policy of Mendizabal, he was expelled and moved to Cava monastery near Naples (Italy), where he was ordained in 1839. He was attracted to missionary work and left for Australia with monk Joseph Benedict Serra where they founded New Norcia. His whole life was dedicated to the protection and evangelization of the natives whom he helped in the construction of roads, wells and kindergartens. He returned several times to Europe to raise financial and human aid. He died in the church of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome on his last trip to Europe and his remains were moved to the Abbey of New Norcia.

St. Joseph of Cupertino or Copertino (1603-1663) was an Italian friar whose 350th death anniversary occurs in 2013. He entered the Franciscan Convent of La Grosella near Cupertino, where he was ordained a priest in 1625. For 10 years he served as a priest in this town. In 1753 he was beatified by Benedict XIV in 1767 and was canonized by Clement XIII.

The stamp depicts the part of the vault of the entrance to the Basilica of Santa Maria de las Nieves in Copertino (Italy) in which the Saint is held by the Angels.

San Telmo is the name by which Pedro González Telmo is popularly known. He was born in Frómista (Palencia) in 1190 and died in Tui (Pontevedra) in 1246. He studied at the University of Palencia where his uncle was the town’s bishop. He entered the Dominican convent where he became known for his vast culture and loquacity. He was confessor to King Ferdinand III the Saint and military chaplain. He left the court to preach in Galicia and northern Portugal where he held the priory of Guimaraes. At an elderly age, he retired to the Diocese of Tui-Vigo where he died whilst travelling on a pilgrimage to Santiago. In 1741 he was declared a Saint by Pope Benedict XIV. The stamp depicts the image of Saint Telmo and the Gothic façade of the Cathedral of Tui, of which he is patron saint.