Issue date: 02 Jan, 2013

Serie Basica


Serie Basica


This year’s definitive series is made up of four stamps depicting His Majesty King Juan Carlos I.

The King of Spain is a frequent character in philately since December 29 1975 when the first stamp of his reign was issued. Under the Constitution, as Head of State he is empowered to pass and promulgate laws, issue the decrees approved in the Cabinet meetings, appoint the President and members of Government, the President and Magistrates of the Constitutional Court and the President of the High Court. He is also responsible for the appointment of the Presidents of the Governments of the Autonomous Communities, amongst other important functions.

Juan Carlos I has officially visited most of the countries in the world as well as the leading international organizations, in which he has declared his interest and concern for peace, solidarity, education, culture, the economy and the development of science. In terms of international affairs, the King of Spain is the country's greatest ambassador before government representatives and business delegations from various industrial and financial sectors.

The world of children is also very close to him and for more than three decades he has been receiving in royal audience school children, winners of the contest What's a king to you? This event aims to bring the figure of the King and the crown closer to schools, arising awareness of the role that the Constitution reserves to monarchy.The definitive series is issued in almost all countries in the world

El mundo de la infancia también le es muy cercano y desde hace más de tres décadas recibe en audiencia real a los niños ganadores del concurso escolar ¿Qué es un Rey para ti? Este certamen trata de acercar la figura del Rey y de la corona a los escolares, dando a conocer el papel que la Constitución reserva a la Institución monárquica.La Serie Básica se emite, generalmente, en casi todos los países del mundo.