Issue date: 10 Mar, 2014

50 Aniversario de la Fundación SEPI


50 Aniversario de la Fundación SEPI



Coinciding with the 50th Anniversary of the SEPI Foundation a stamp has been issued to commemorate the birth of this institution dedicated to training, research and producing economic and business studies.

The SEPI Foundation was set up in 1964 by the National Institute for Industry (INI) under the name of Santa María del Espíritu Santo Foundation. The Foundation has undergone several name changes over the intervening period and its current title reflects that it now operates under the auspices of SEPI, Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (State Company for Industrial Shareholdings).

The aims of the Foundation are focused mainly on management training and economic studies. It carries out activities connected with the following areas: managing the Programa de Becas de Inserción Laboral (Access to Employment Grants Programme), providing more than 300 qualified young people with in-company training; producing the Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales (Business Strategies Survey) a Spanish manufacturing sector database available to researchers worldwide,and running the Programa de Investigación en Economía Aplicada (Applied Economics Research Programme) intended to promote clear, well thought-out, independent discussion on public policy.

The SEPI Foundation also publishes the scientific journal SERIE’s in conjunction with the Spanish Economics Association; it manages the Colegio Mayor Universitario Fundación SEPI (SEPI Foundation University Halls of Residence) attached to the Universidad Complutense de Madrid; it provides educational services to companies through the Programa de Formación de Directivos (Management Training Programme) at Campus Los Peñascales in Madrid, which is owned by the Foundation, and it manages social responsibility activities undertaken by Grupo SEPI employees.

Going further back in time, the origins of SEPI can be found in the National Institute for Industry, an institution that played a key role in the evolution of the Spanish public sector for more than 50 years. Nowadays, SEPI is made up of 16 companies operating in various areas and with different features, grouped into four sectors: Energy, Defence, Food & The Environment, and Communication. Grupo Correos is in the Communication sector.

The stamp displays the SEPI Foundation logo and the Casa Palacio del Campus Los Peñascales, a training centre for companies and institutions based in the municipal area of Torrelodones (Madrid).