Issue date: 19 Jun, 2014

Conjuntos Urbanos Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Toledo


Conjuntos Urbanos Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Toledo



A museum city filled with monuments, it preserves the mix of the three cultures that once populated its streets, Christian, Jewish and Muslim. The walled enclosure has several entrances, such as the Alcántara bridge, the Gothic bridge of San Martín, the Puerta del Sol, the Puerta de la Bisagra, the Puerta de Cambrón and the Puerta de Valmardón.Amongst its most notable buildings are the Gothic Cathedral; San Juan de Reyes monastery; Santo Tomé church, where you will find The Burial of the Count of Orgaz by El Greco; Cristo de la Luz mosque, from the caliphal era; Santa María la Blanca and Tránsito synagogues, and the enormous Alcázar.

Toledo, along with Acalá de Henares, Avila, Cáceres, Cordoba, Cuenca, Ibiza, Mérida, Salamanca, San Cristóbal de la Laguna, Santiago de Compostela, Segovia and Tarragona, all 13 urban heritage cities, founded the Spanish Group of World Heritage Cities in 1993. This non-profit association aims to act as one in the defence and promotion of the historic and cultural heritage of the component cities, as well as to defend common interests, find solutions to similar issues and promote quality cultural tourism.

The engraved souvenir sheet reproduces a view of Toledo from the opposite bank of the River Tagus.The stamps show the Primate Cathedral and the Alcázar.