Issue date: 06 May, 2014

Edades del Hombre


Edades del Hombre



These were such a success that, in 1995, it was decided to send the historical and religious heritage to Central Europe with an exhibition in Belgium, in Antwerp cathedral. A new stage, called narrative exhibitions, began two years later and were held in various cathedrals in Castilla and Leon. The cycle started in El Burgo de Osma in the province of Soria, and continued to Palencia and Astorga in Leon, Zamora, New York (because of the attack on the Twin Towers in 2001), Segovia, Avila and Ciudad Rodrigo, in Salamanca province.

After visiting all the cathedrals, a next stage began with exhibitions in towns which have no cathedral. It started in Ponferrada in Leon and continued to Soria, Medina del Campo and Medina de Rioseco in Valladolid, Oña in Burgos, and Arévalo in Avila.