Issue date: 10 Sep, 2014

Efemérides.Bicentenario de la Orden de San Hermenegildo


Efemérides.Bicentenario de la Orden de San Hermenegildo



Two new stamps in the Anniversaries series commemorate the Second Centenary of the Royal and Military Order of Saint Hermenegild and the 50th Anniversary of the Creation of the Centre for National Defence Studies.
The Royal and Military Order of Saint Hermenegild was created by Fernando VII in 1814, at the end of the War of Independence, to honour soldiers who had contributed to the victory. The first regulation was published in 1815 to reward long-serving officers in the Army, Navy and militia. Throughout its two hundred years of history, several regulations have been published to adapt to the changing face of the armed forces. Thus, in 1994, all non-commissioned officers in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Civil Guard were received into the Royal and Military Order of Saint Hermenegild.
The regulation in force at present was approved by King Juan Carlos in the year 2000, and its purpose stated in the first article is: “To reward and honour the general officers, officers and non-commissioned officers in the Army, Navy and Air Force, of the Common Corps of the Armed Forces and the Corps of the Civil Guard, for their long-standing service and impeccable conduct, as laid down by the Royal Ordinances for the Armed Forces.” This military order consists of Knights and Dames in the categories: Grand Cross (Gran Cruz), Badge (Placa), Command (Encomienda) and Cross (Cruz).