Issue date: 12 Mar, 2014

Museo de Arte Abstracto Español. Cuenca


Museo de Arte Abstracto Español. Cuenca



Museums is the title of a new series of stamps displaying collections and art galleries from across Spain. The first issue is dedicated to the Museo de Guadalajara (Museum of Guadalajara) and the Museo de Arte Abstracto Español (Museum of Spanish Abstract Art) based in Cuenca. The stamps are in an original vertical format and presented in Premium Sheet issue.

The Museo de Arte Abstracto Español in Cuenca is based in the Casas Colgadas (Hanging Houses), the city’s most famous building, perched high over the canyon formed by the Huécar river. It was set up in 1966 as the result of an initiative promoted by Fernando Zóbel. The museum displays more than 170 paintings and 33 sculptures selected from the main collection, representing Spanish artists who set the most significant trends in the 1950s and 1960s. They include names like Gustavo Torner, Gregorio Rueda, Saura, Chillida, Tapies, Feito, Sempere, Millares and Chirino, plus work by Zóbel. id="result_box" lang="en", which has expanded and completed the collections.

The stamp shows a composite image of the Casas Colgadas, home to the museum, and a painting by Fernando Zóbel (Manila, 1924 – Rome, 1984).