Issue date: 04 Nov, 2014

Sellos con RA: Numismática


Sellos con RA: Numismática



The new philatelic series dedicated to Numismatics consists of two stamps that reproduce, respectively, the back of a 1953 one-peseta note and the front of a 1944 one-peseta coin. Both are joined at the perforation and incorporate Augmented Reality (AR) technology that, when captured by a smartphone, sends an animated image and informative video about the production of notes and coins by the Spanish Mint (Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, FNMT). The round stamp presents a relief, or slightly raised surface, along with a cool stamping effect that simulates the metallic quality of coins.
Numismatics is the science that studies the knowledge of coins and medals, mainly ancient ones. It constitutes a subsidiary science of history because of the data it provides, making it possible to establish dates, dynasties and political and economic relationships among populations when written documentation is lacking. Coins let us know the history of a country and its degree of development, allowing us to follow its evolution through these metallic pieces called coins.
Another aspect of numismatics is connected with art and the minting process. The oldest coins barely carry a hammer-blow embossment, which evolved over time to coins stamped with detailed motifs of gods, animals, archers, busts and equestrian figures. The artistic themes reflect the tastes of the age and provide information for studying art history.
Before coins appeared, individuals exchanged products and merchandise, bartering. Later on metal was adopted as the currency for commercial transactions, the currency being regulated by weight, metal composition (gold, silver, bronze, copper or metal compounds) and sterling (indication of greater or lesser purity of the metal).
Interest in coin collecting seems to have started towards the end of the 18th century. However, it was in the 19th century when the great collectors arose and the international numismatic companies that published the first indexes, catalogues and guides for collecting were created.