Issue date: 02 Jan, 2015

Arcos y Puertas Monumentales


Arcos y Puertas Monumentales



This issue - consisting of a booklet with self-adhesive A-rate stamps for posting standard domestic letters - depicts four monumental gateways leading into walled enclosures in different locations in Spain.
The Puerta de la Luna or Moon Gate in Córdoba stands between the Sevilla and Almodóvar gates, on the western side of the city wall. It has an angled double entrance leading to the Jewish quarter. The ancient city of Córdoba conserves some of its Roman city walls, which were later reconstructed and enlarged by the Muslim dynasties. In the Christian era, new walled spaces were added. Córdoba's historic town centre was declared a World Heritage site in 1994.
The Puerta de la Cadena or Chain Gate in Brihuega (Guadalajara) is one of the five gates which once led into the town. Above the round arch there is a plaque commemorating the attack on Brihuega by the troops of Felipe V in 1710, during the War of the Spanish Succession. Above this plaque is another one placed in memory of the battle two centuries later. A niche has been superimposed over both plaques with an image of the Immaculate Conception.
The Puerta de Santa María or Saint Mary's Gate in Hondarribia/Fuenterrabía (Gipuzkoa) was built in the 16th century after the medieval town was destroyed by fire. Above the segmental arch there is the city's coat of arms, dated 1694, and its patron, the Virgin of Guadalupe, flanked by two angels. It is one of the two main entrances to the historic city centre, and leads to the main street with its noble houses, churches, palaces and monuments. The door still has its original hinges.
The Puerta de Sant Pere or Saint Peter's Gate, also known as Puerta del Papa Luna or Pope Luna's Gate, in Peñíscola (Castellón) is one of the three entrances to this walled coastal city. It was ordered to be built by Pope Luna in the 15th century to give access to the sea. It consists of a large segmental arch, with the coat of arms of Pope Luna, carved by Filibert Bertalla, over the keystone.