Issue date: 16 Jan, 2015

Ciencia. 25 Años Organización Nacional de Transplantes


Ciencia. 25 Años Organización Nacional de Transplantes



This issue of the Science series commemorates the 25th Anniversary of the National Transplant Organisation (ONT). With the message "Working together for life" 1989-2014, expressing the organisation's mission, the stamp depicts the concept of interwoven lives. Many hearts are interwoven to form one large heart, with a drop of blood appearing below it as the generator of life.
The ONT was founded in 1989 to perform duties relating to the collection and medical use of organs, tissues and cells. Since then, the organisation has expanded, making Spain the world leader in donations and in transplants. The institution's main goal is to promote altruistic donations, so that people who need a transplant have the best possible chances of getting one.
The work of the ONT is structured around a networked organisation, coordinated at three levels: national, regional and individual hospitals. To perform its duties, it acts as an operational technical unit, coordinating and facilitating the donation, extraction, preservation, distribution, exchange and transplantation of organs, tissues and cells throughout the Spanish Healthcare System.
The first organ transplant in Spain was in 1965, when four doctors performed the heroic task of the first successful kidney transplant. The Transplants Act was passed in 1979 and, one year later, the regulations to develop the law, recognising the anonymity of the donor and the non-profit nature of organ extraction. In 1989 the ONT was founded, with its headquarters in the former Hospital del Rey, Madrid.
After 25 years of work, study and research, nearly half a million patients have benefited from this organisation, which is now making an appeal for organ donors so it can continue to save lives.
In 2010 the ONT received the Prince of Asturias Prize for International Cooperation, along with the international body The Transplant Society, for their work to combat organ trafficking and transplant tourism.