Issue date: 09 Oct, 2015

Efemérides.150 Aniversarios


Efemérides.150 Aniversarios



Two new Efemérides commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Tarragona-Martorell Railway and the 150th Anniversary of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
On 15 April 1865 the railway between Tarragona and Martorell was opened, passing through the regions of l'Anoia and el Penedès. The route covered a mere distance of 73.3 kilometres, yet marked a historic milestone for the regional economy by opening up new transport routes which were then used by the wine and agriculture industries. At the time there were already lines linking Valencia-Tarragona and Martorell-Barcelona, so the section joining Tarragona-Martorell was key to completing the rail connections of the entire Mediterranean Corridor. At the time of the inauguration, the Tarragona-Martorell line had 11 stations that received two daily trains.
The stamp pictures a locomotive from the period and the words “Ferrocarril Tarragona-Martorell, 150 Aniversario”.
The International Telegraph Union, which later became the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), was founded on 17 May 1865. During the 150 years of its existence, the organisation has been at the forefront of advances in communications, from electric telegrams in its early days, to the world of satellites, mobile phones and the Internet today.
The ITU is the arm of the United Nations specialised in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Its functions include allocating the global radio spectrum and satellite orbits and developing the technical standards that ensure that networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect. It is currently made up of 193 countries and more than 700 private entities and academic institutions who work together on everything related to the ICT industry. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland.
The image combines an old telegraph transmission device and a modern smartphone along with a perforated strip with the inscription “150 Aniversario UIT”. At the top of the stamp is the ITU emblem and the dates 1865-2015.