Issue date: 05 Jan, 2015

Efemérides.75 aniversario del CSIC


Efemérides.75 aniversario del CSIC



2014 marked the 75th Anniversary of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), which was celebrated with this self-adhesive stamp illustrated with a design of nanoparticles inside nanotubes, reflecting the different areas of research of this scientific institution.
The CSIC covers all fields of knowledge relating to research in Spain. It was created in 1939, after the end of the Civil War, but its origins and the basis for its organisation are in the Junta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas (JAE). This first body was founded in 1907 according to the principles of the Free Educational Institution, and was intended as a remedy for the backwardness and isolation of the sciences in Spain. Under its first President, Santiago Ramón y Cajal, the JAE was the most innovative project of its era, intended to reform and regenerate the country with the help of intellectuals from different ideological backgrounds. It led to the creation of laboratories and research centres, provided grants for studies abroad, and established contacts between Spanish thinkers and scientists and their counterparts in other countries. The participants in this programme to renew science and culture included illustrious figures such as José Castillejo, Juan Negrín, Ignacio Bolívar, Severo Ochoa, Ramón Menéndez Pidal, María de Maeztu, Américo Castro, and many more. In 1938, the Francoist government decreed that the JAE would cease its activities, transferring its services to the Spanish Institute and the universities.
The CSIC is now the largest public scientific research institution in Spain. It consists of a network of more than 130 centres and institutes throughout all the Autonomous Regions, and is multidisciplinary in nature, covering fields from basic research to technological development. Its areas of work are grouped under different disciplines: Humanities and Social Sciences; Biology and Biomedicine; Natural Resources; Agricultural Sciences; Physical Science and Technology; Materials Technology; Food Technology; and Chemical Technology. The CSIC also manages the largest and most complete Spanish network of specialist libraries. It is considered to be one of the best research centres in Europe