Issue date: 27 Feb, 2015

Efemérides: I Congreso Internacional Tauromaquia


Efemérides: I Congreso Internacional Tauromaquia



The First International Congress on "Bullfighting as Cultural Heritage" is the theme of the stamp that depicts a bullfighting scene by painter Javier Montesol.
In 2013, bullfighting became recognised and regulated by law as part of Spain's Cultural Heritage. The legislation’s preamble points to bullfighting as part of Spain’s history and cultural tradition, as attested by the Castilian statutory code compiled under Alfonso X The Wise, contemplating and regulating bullfighting as early as the 13th century. It also states that bullfighting festivals or events include not only bullfights, but a series of popular traditions and festivities linked to the world of the bull that represent a symbol of the collective identity, justifying the need for its preservation by the public authorities.
Bullfighting and bullfighting events are lively and dynamic, constantly evolving, making it difficult to speculate on how they will unfold. Their future will depend on their ability to both draw crowds and to adapt, so that younger generations can learn how to keep and preserve these national festivities. In the context of a diverse society, with both supporters and critics of bullfighting, the law considers that the freedom of choice must always prevail and not limit access.
The art of bullfighting and the knowledge and artistic activities, both creative and productive, that derive from bullfighting include breeding, the selection of fighting bulls, the tailoring of the traditional matador attire, the music played at bullfights and the production of posters, among other activities. Thus, bullfighting constitutes: "An economic sector of crucial importance, that has a tangible effect on a wide range of areas such as on business, tax revenue, agriculture and farming, environmental matters, and the food, tourism and industrial sectors, among others." Countries such as Portugal, France (south), Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela share Spain’s interest in bullfighting.
The First International Congress on "Bullfighting as Cultural Heritage" is being organised jointly between the Ministry of Education, the Regional Government of Castile-La Mancha and the City Council of Albacete, where the international event will take place. Representatives from all of the sectors related to the bullfighting world will take part.