Issue date: 02 Jul, 2015

Humor gráfico. Peridis


Humor gráfico. Peridis


For the second year running the Graphic Humour series will be put into circulation, this time focusing on Peridis. This issue pays homage to the work of all the humorists/cartoonists who make us smile and brighten up our daily lives with their sketches. The issue includes a miniature sheet signed by Peridis himself.
José María Pérez González, also known as Peridis, was born in Cabezón de Liébana (Cantabria) in 1941. When he was a young boy his family moved to Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia), a place that he became particularly attached to. He studied architecture in Madrid and, after completing his degree, developed a special interest for restoring and rehabilitating the historical buildings commonly found throughout Spain. As an architect he oversaw the restoration of the Romanesque Monastery of Santa María la Real, in Aguilar de Campo; the San Benito Monastery, in Valladolid; the Santa Clara Convent, in Hellín; and the Teatro Principal de Burgos, among many others, as well as managing the construction of new buildings. With his passion for Romanesque art, Peridis has made significant contributions to the genre and has presented and directed the television programmes Las claves del románico”, “Mover montañas” and “La luz y el misterio de las catedrales”.
Peridis started working as a cartoonist in the 1970s in newspapers and magazines such as “Informaciones” and “Cuadernos para el Diálogo”. In 1977 he began publishing in the newspaper “El País”, in which he made daily contributions with his comic strips and sketches. His sketches use caricatures to critically and humorously depict the current political state of Spain and relevant social issues. Some of his comic strips have been published in books such as: “Los animalillos políticos de la transición”, “De la Constitución al golpe”, “Del golpe al cambio” and “Dios mío, que he hecho yo para merecer esto”. He is author of the novel “Esperando al rey”, for which he was awarded an Alfonso X el Sabio Historical Novel Prize. He has been awarded with a Gold Medal from the Fine Arts Academy of San Fernando, a Europa Nostra Prize from the EU for recovery of historical and artistic heritage, and a Mingote Humour Prize.