Issue date: 10 Jul, 2015

Valores Cívicos. Creatividad


Valores Cívicos. Creatividad


Considered vital for societal harmony, Civic Values are a series of principles that all citizens should obey and respect. Solidarity, responsibility, honesty and tolerance, among many others, are some of the values that make a community more civic-minded and respectful. The philatelic series under this title is dedicated to Creativity, or people's ability to create or invent something different.
Whether it be through literature, painting, cinema, science or architecture, creativity means creating something out of the ordinary. It is the seed for new ideas and concepts from which new trends and styles are formed, and can be applied in every field of knowledge, whether artistic, literary, scientific or philosophic.
The desire to create and invent new things has always existed throughout history and has enabled society to evolve. From the most simple ideas to the most original and constructive, we all have creative ability that we can develop. When we are children, our creativity is reflected quite simply through our drawings, games or theatre and story performances. However, when we grow up, and in terms of our working life, we tend to have a certain inhibition to show our creative projects, though they could be successful and highly useful. For this reason, some workforces use group dynamics techniques, in which they freely express their ideas without restrictions in order to select the ones with the most potential.
On an artistic level, creativity has enabled us to discover how we have evolved from the most primitive rock art to the avant-garde. In painting, sculpture, literature, architecture, civil works, gardens and public spaces, creativity has followed this same dynamic throughout time, marking our history with the names and styles from each period.
The sticker stamp (tariff A for ordinary national postage) features a blank space to represent the creative ability that we all have within.