Issue date: 23 Jun, 2016

América UPAEP. Olimpiadas. Barón Pierre de Coubertin


América UPAEP. Olimpiadas. Barón Pierre de Coubertin


Ver también “Sobre de Primer Día” - “Matasellos”


The Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal (UPAEP) was founded in 1911 by Francisco García y Santos, Director General of the Uruguay Postal Service. Its objectives include promoting a universal postal service, improving and fostering the postal market and encouraging cooperation for development among its member countries, as well as facilitating the exchange of information and, above all, improving the quality of service, interoperability and network security, by promoting and applying new information technologies.

Since 1989, all UPAEP member countries have issued a philatelic series featuring stamps with a common theme.

This year's topic is the Olympics and the stamp issued by the Spanish postal service features Pierre de Coubertin.

Pierre de Coubertin, Baron de Coubertin, was a French educator and historian who founded the modern Olympic Games. His background in history and education led to the idea of reintroducing the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece in order to promote sport throughout the world. His aim was to foster positive relations among nations and promote a spirit of commitment and personal growth, as well as sportsmanship and healthy competition, the foundations of the Olympic spirit.

He announced the restoration of the Olympic Games in 1888, during a congress held at Sorbonne University. The first modern edition of the Games was held in Athens in 1896, forming a symbolic link with the event's Greek roots. He went on to found the International Olympic Committee and establish the regulations for the Games.

In 1914, he designed the Olympic flag, with its five interlocking rings symbolising the union and fraternity of the five continents.

He resigned in 1925, as he was unable to continue financing the Olympic cause. He died in Geneva in September 1937.

The current issue features an image of Pierre de Coubertin along with the Spanish Olympic badge and an illustration depicting an athlete running a race. As with all the issues of this series, the stamp includes the UPAEP logo.