Issue date: 10 Oct, 2016

Arquitectura Rural. La noria, el cortijo andaluz y el cigarral


Arquitectura Rural. La noria, el cortijo andaluz y el cigarral



For the third year in a row, Correos is issuing a Rural Architecture series with three stamps dedicated to three types of traditional structures found in rural areas of Spain: waterwheels, Andalusian farmhouses and "cigarral" country houses. The stamps are included in a Premium Sheet with an illustration of a country path and texts describing the images featured in the issue.
Albolafia Waterwheel: a waterwheel is a hydraulic machine that is used to extract and carry water. The wheel featured in this issue is the Albolafia waterwheel that can be found on the right bank of the Guadalquivir River on its route through the city of Córdoba, very close to the Roman bridge. It is an old flour mill that dates back to Roman times. The construction of the waterwheel was commissioned by Abderramán II to drive the water from the river to Emirs' Palace in the Andalusian alcázar.
Andalusian farmhouse: this is an example of typical architecture from the south of Spain that is comprised of areas designed for farming activity and others that are used for housing. These farmhouses date back to ranches or farmsteads from the Guadalquivir valley. Their buildings are usually located far away from urban centres and are usually large-scale constructions. They are also directly related with latifundia, which were very important for socio-economic development during the 19th and 20th centuries. Nowadays they can still be admired in areas in Andalusia and Extremadura. Many of these farmhouses have been reinvented and converted into rural accommodation that is proving popular in the modern day.
Cigarral country house: A "cigarral" is a typical stately house found on the south bank of the Tajo River on its route through Toledo. It is usually formed of a main construction that was used as a holiday home, a smaller building where gatekeepers lived and an extensive area of land. They were used as summer residences for the bourgeoisie from Toledo up until the mid 20th century, when their high costs led to many of them being divided up into smaller properties. Nowadays, many of the cigarral country houses are used by the hotel industry.