Issue date: 25 Apr, 2016

Camino de Santiago


Camino de Santiago


Ver también “Sobre de Primer Día” - “Matasellos”


The first stamps featuring the Santiago Way were issued on 15 July 1937. These three stamps depicted the apostle Santiago [James], the Cathedral and the Pórtico de la Gloria gateway, respectively. They were printed by lithographic offset by the “Hijos de Fournier” printing company in Vitoria, under the title “Año Jubilar Compostelano” [Compostellan Jubilee Year].

Since then, the Santiago Way has been the theme for a large number of stamps, and this year, the Post Office is issuing another one. The new tamp depicts the main facade of the Cathedral of Santiago, with some pilgrims reaching the entrance. In the background, the vegetation recalls the natural settings of the Way. The composition is completed with the Santiago Way's characteristic scallop symbol.

Completing the pilgrimage on foot to Santiago de Compostela is a very gratifying experience, but it is also a physical and mental challenge. Over the centuries, people of all kinds have walked the various routes leading to Santiago: pilgrims of good faith, people wishing to repent, minstrels, vagabonds, adventurers and bandits.

Some, like the religious penitents, did the Way because they felt an overwhelming desire to visit the place where the Apostle's remains were laid to rest; others walked to fulfil a promise made to the saint if he helped them to overcome a misfortune. People who had recovered from an illness, or sick people who hoped to recover their health by reaching the Galician capital, have all walked the paths with faith and devotion.

There were also pilgrims who walked the Way as a punishment, imposed by either a civil or ecclesiastical authority, in order to pay for their sins.

Others were just adventurers with a desire to see the world. There were also many pilgrims who did it to comply with the clauses of wills, in order to obtain their inheritance. Nowadays there are a lot of pilgrims and any number of reasons that take them to Santiago de Compostela.