Issue date: 09 May, 2016

Efemérides. Centenario Federación Fútbol. Principado Asturias


Efemérides. Centenario Federación Fútbol. Principado Asturias


COMMEMORATIVE STAMPS. Centenary of the Principality of Asturias Royal Football Federation

In the first decade of the 20th century, football was just starting to become popular in Asturias. The first teams began to appear and there was therefore a need to create an organisation with rules and common criteria.
According to the Minutes of the Football Committee Delegates Assembly, the Asturian Federation, or the Cantabrian Football Federation as it was then known, was founded on 9 December 1915.
Some days later, it was backed by the Spanish Federation of Football Clubs.
In May 1918 it changed its name to the Federación Regional Asturiana de Clubes, although over the years, it has undergone various other name changes. For example, in 1941 it became the Federación Astur-Montañesa de Fútbol and was responsible for controlling the sport in the provinces of Asturias, León, Palencia, Santander, Burgos, Zamora and Salamanca.
It recovered its original name in 1952 and was only responsible for Asturian football.
It became the current Principality of Asturias Football Federation in 1985, under the Department of Education, Culture and Sport's Decree 71/1985.
In recent years, it has included new variants of football, such as women's football, 7-a-side and 5-a-side, which have become more popular and as important as traditional football.
His Royal Highness Don Felipe de Borbón y Grecia has been honorary president since 1977, when the current King of Spain was still the Prince of Asturias.
In 1990, the organisation received the name of Real Federación de Fútbol del Principado de Asturias (Principality of Asturias Royal Football Federation).
The stamp issued to commemorate the Federation's centenary reflects the organisation's past and present, with a ball that is a composite of an old-fashioned and modern football. It also shows the Royal Federation's coat of arms, along with the commemorative dates of the centenary. In the bottom corner of the stamp there is an "ñ", representing the Spanish brand.