Issue date: 20 Oct, 2016

La Generación de los 50


La Generación de los 50



Correos presents a new series dedicated to various generations, running through the greatest milestones in the recent history of humanity. The images featured in this series have been chosen through popular vote. The series begins with the 50s, a decade that marked a breakaway from the past, from the gloom left behind by the war, and that made room for an explosion of colour, where the chords of a new musical genre -rock and roll- inspired people to move to the sound of artists like Elvis Presley.

The following milestones have been chosen from the possible topics for this first block sheet: the Nobel Prizes awarded to Severo Ochoa and Juan Ramón Jiménez, the television, the space conquest and the Vespa and the Seat 600.

Nobel Prizes: in 1956 the writer Juan Ramón Jiménez was awarded a Nobel Prize in Literature for his work Platero y Yo (Platero and I). Later, in 1959, the Swedish Academy awarded another Nobel Prize, in Physiology and Medicine, to Severo Ochoa for his research on DNA.

Television: one of the other stamps depicts one of the most revolutionary inventions from the era. The television as a device dates far back, but it was during this decade when the first Televisión Española (Spanish Television) broadcasts were made, opening up a new dimension in Spanish homes.

Space conquest: the third stamp includes an image of an artificial satellite, the Sputnik 1, which was launched into space for the first time in 1957, and also an image of the puppy Laika, the first terrestrial living thing that travelled to outer space.

Vespa and Seat 600: the final stamp depicts two of the most representative symbols of these years, the Vespa motorcycle and the Seat 600, that flooded Spanish streets, democratising transport and improving travel within cities.

This decade experienced many changes, many advances were made in various fields, but above all, it was a decade that left a sense of happiness and a willingness to move ahead.

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