Issue date: 08 Nov, 2016

Numismática. Billete de 1.000 pesetas y Moneda de 25 céntimos


Numismática. Billete de 1.000 pesetas y Moneda de 25 céntimos



For the third year in a row, the Numismatics series is being issued. This time, it contains two more stamps featuring the 1,000 peseta note from 1971 and the 25 cent coin from 1927.

The stamps are presented on a sheet, but the one representing the 25 cent coin also has the unique characteristic of being embossed. Both cost 2 euros each.

1,000 peseta note. This note was issued for the first time in 1971. Its front side includes a portrait of the playwright and financier José Echegaray, a multifaceted figure from the end of the 19th century who was awarded a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1904, in addition to being an expert in physics and mathematics. He introduced Chasles' theorem, Galois theory and elliptic functions in Spain. The reverse side of the note, which is the image that is featured on the stamp, depicts the exterior of the Banco de España building. It also includes a watermark with the bust of José Echegaray. The note measures 143 x 83 mm and is printed both without a series code and with codes including letters from A to Z. It was in circulation until 1974.

25 cent coin. This coin was launched in 1927. Two years prior to that a new 25 cent cupronickel coin had been put out into circulation, representing a novelty in terms of the numismatics. Following the success and the positive acceptance that it had, in 1927 another coin with a new updated design was put out into circulation, including a picture of a drill in the centre of 4.5 millimetres in diameter. On its front side, there is a hammer with an oak branch on the right hand side and, a royal crown on the left-hand side; the year 1927 appears in the upper section and the word “España” in the lower section. On the reverse side, which is the part that appears on the stamp, there are two bundles of wheat sheaves. In the upper section the value of the coin appears, “25”, and in the lower section the word “céntimos”.

Through issuing this stamp, Correos aims to bring two types of collecting together, that of Philately and Numismatics, which have been the most important and the most followed throughout history.