Issue date: 02 Feb, 2016

Valores Cívicos Escolares. Contra el acoso escolar (Bullying)


Valores Cívicos Escolares. Contra el acoso escolar (Bullying)


Ver también “Sobre de Primer Día” y “Matasellos”


Zero tolerance for school bullying is the chosen topic for the series entitled Civic School Values. The stamp depicts a human silhouette printed on foil with the slogan “You can stop bullying, don’t ignore it at your school”, which invites people to form part of this fight.

Bullying in schools exists; it is not a problem that should be ignored and is much less a children’s game.

Value education is fundamental for avoiding aggressive behaviour in the future. Boundaries and rules should be set, children should be taught to respect others and value their friends and classmates.

Communication is one of the most important tools between parents and children or teachers and pupils. Through communication, events and attitudes that lead to episodes of bullying and abuse can be detected. Many cases are resolved by talking about them, by showing that no kind of violence should be tolerated and much less used.

Communication is also fundamental for the victim of bullying, who usually keeps it to themselves. For this reason, we need to talk to children and observe any changes in their attitude that might indicate that something is happening.

However, above all, it is essential to offer support to those suffering from any form of bullying and never brush over the problem.

This is a blight on society that affects classrooms all over the world and new technologies are providing an increasing number of ways in which children can suffer from bullying, such as the Internet and social media networks. With all this in mind, now more than ever, swift action must be taken to resolve situations that impinge on the moral and physical integrity of children and young people because this is a serious problem that must be eradicated