Issue date: 28 Apr, 2017

300 Aniversario Real Compañía de Guardiamarinas


300 Aniversario Real Compañía de Guardiamarinas



The Royal Company of Midshipmen was created in 1717. The first Academy was established in Cadiz, and in the 300 years since, despite numerous changes to its name and location, it has been the institution where officers of the Spanish Armada have received all the scientific and academic training necessary to carry out their work in this branch of the armed forces.

It followed the French and English systems of basing its training on a theoretical and practical education.

Knowing mathematics, cosmography, artillery and languages was fundamental, but cadets also had to complete their training aboard an Armada ship or frigate before becoming officers.

In the early years, only sons of nobles and officers had access to this education.

Many historical figures studied at the Academy. The most well-known are Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa, to whom Correos dedicated a stamp last year.

But there are many more. For instance, there is Cadiz native Vicente Tofiño, author of Derrotero de las costas de España en el Mediterráneo: y su correspondiente de África and Cartagena native Antonio de Escaño, a member of the Regency Council of Spain and the Indies.

Other midshipmen academies similar to the one in Andalusia opened in Ferrol and Cartagena in 1777. These trained the numerous officers swelling the ranks of the growing Spanish Armada.

The institution was such a success that even some non-Spaniards had the honour of studying there. For instance, Peter the Great of Russia sent 22 officers to Cadiz to receive training before joining his own country’s Navy. Young men from Cuba, Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Chile were also students, nearly all of them foreign-born sons of Spaniards who wanted to dedicate their life to the Armada.

The stamp has a deep blue background that recalls the sea and features a profile of Midshipmen and the vessel Juan Sebastián Elcano.

Carmen Álvarez Casanova