Issue date: 09 Oct, 2017

Arqueología Industrial. Mareómetro de Portugalete


Arqueología Industrial. Mareómetro de Portugalete


See also “First Day Cover” -“Postmark”

At the end of the Churruca Pier, a nautical instrument was installed in 1883 that was used to measure water depth. It records tide changes. This instrument became highly important as it made it easier for boats to pass through the estuary. It was built by the clockmakers of Paris, Borrell-Wagner.
The tide meter is testament to a time when trade in this city made huge strides and experienced a golden age.
This instrument in particular did not record any data. The only way to control the rise and fall of the tides was to look at the needles with a system similar to that of a clock.
Later on, another type of instrument began to be installed in Spain. Called tide gauges, they recorded data for use and comparison.
New technologies have since relegated these instruments to oblivion. It was abandoned for years until the Bilbao Port Authority decided to restore it and it was unveiled on 2 March 2000, albeit for a different purpose. It no longer measures the tides but serves as a reminder of another time when it was an essential instrument for those sailing through the estuary, as it helped avoid accidents and trade losses by stopping boats from running aground on the sandbanks.
Next to the Hanging Bridge and Iron Pier, it is one of the most outstanding icons in Portugalete.
This stamp is issued in Premium Sheets with a backdrop showing an image of the city, in which its famous pier can be seen.
The Premium Sheet also features the EXFILNA 2017 logo, as this is the city where the 55th National Philatelic Exhibition will be held. The design of the logo in question includes an illustration of the unique invention featured on this new stamp.
The stamp features an illustration of the tide meter on a yellow background in reference to the city’s flag.