Issue date: 17 Mar, 2017

Cine Español. Festival de Málaga


Cine Español. Festival de Málaga



The Málaga Film Festival has been recognising and promoting Spanish films since 1998.

It has gradually gained a name for itself on the international film festival scene, attracting a large number of actors and other celebrities from the sector every year.

The awards themselves are reproductions of the biznaga bouquet, a hand-crafted ball of jasmine flowers which has become a symbol of Málaga. They are sold on the streets of Málaga, especially in summer, when the whole city is perfumed with their unforgettable fragrance.

Once again, as part of the Spanish Cinema series, Correos is issuing a new Premium Sheet, which this year is dedicated to the festival.

What makes this issue special is that, for the first time, it has been printed on transparent acetate to look like a film frame.

The stamp design shows a boquerón [anchovy], a fish that is strongly identified with Málaga, coming out of a tin containing a reel of film, with a background in shades of blue to represent the sea.

The Premium sSeet also shows a camera projecting a beam of light, representing the famous Málaga "Farola", the lighthouse that guides ships arriving in the bay.

The design also includes a brief history of the festival, highlighting its positive influence on the cultural development of the city, which is now well-established as a centre of art and culture..

Major museums, recent urbanism and beautification initiatives, and new bars, restaurants and cultural events all make Málaga a very attractive city, receiving a multitude of visitors every year.

The new Premium Sheet, which has 15 self-sticking stamps, will be a permanent reminder of this festival and the city that has hosted it for the last twenty years.