Issue date: 06 Nov, 2017

Efemérides. 25 Aniversario AVE. Madrid- Sevilla


Efemérides. 25 Aniversario AVE. Madrid- Sevilla


ANNIVERSARIES. 25th Anniversary of High-speed Train in Spain. Madrid-Seville
It has already been 25 years since high-speed trains were brought to Spain. 1992 was an important year in Spain, with two historical events being held that placed Spain in the spotlight: the EXPO in Seville and the Barcelona Olympics.
On 21 April of the same year, precisely the day after the grand opening of the Universal Exposition of Seville, the first official AVE journey was completed, after a week of trial journeys.
Madrid and Seville were closer than ever. That day, the travellers, engine drivers and staff on board the train, witnessed an exciting and emotional milestone in terms of communications in Spain.
It would take another ten years for the AVE to be brought to other points of Spain.
Zaragoza, Lleida, Barcelona, Cordoba and Malaga are some of the cities that the AVE network has reached, making life easier and faster.
In the coming years, it will arrive in Galicia, Asturias, the Basque Country, Extremadura, Castellón, Granada, Murcia and Almería, further improving communications, tourism and business.
The network runs over thousands of kilometres, connecting many lives and dreams through the trains that travel the length and breath of Spain every day.
The stamp commemorating the 25th anniversary of this service is a fold-out sheet comprising the foil-printed stamp and two vignettes. When folded, the locomotive featured on the stamp is shown on the front, and the two carriages in the vignettes appear below.
The locomotive displays the logo of the 25th anniversary, along with the Adif, Renfe and Correos logos. It also features the colours of Renfe: white, grey and purple.
The carriages appearing on the stamp include visual references to the cities through which these trains travel.