Issue date: 09 Nov, 2017

Efemérides. 75 Aniversario INI-SEPI


Efemérides. 75 Aniversario INI-SEPI



The State Company for Industrial Holdings (SEPI) was incorporated in 1995 to manage publicly owned industrial holdings coming from the National Industry Institute (INI), which was set up in 1941 to provide institutional support for promoting industrial development in Spain and the National Hydrocarbons Institute. Other holdings from other government departments in other sectors were later transferred, such as the Correos Group in the field of communication, or the TRAGSA Group in the food and environment sector, which is also the subject of another stamp this year marking its 40th anniversary.

The main purposes of the State Company for Industrial Holdings include defining and approving strategies and establishing actions relating to all companies in the group. It is also responsible for designing forward-thinking plans that seek operational, financial and organisational improvements, among other things. Another of its most important principles is to ensure maximum efficacy from its companies.

SEPI establishes five main goals: responsible management, business development, R&D+i promotion, the environment and social responsibility.

For the first, it engages in responsible corporate and economic management; for the second, it engages in significant promotional and business development actions; for the third, SEPI promotes research, development and innovation in the best interests of its companies; for the fourth, it maintains a commitment to sustainable development as a major priority for the companies in the group; and for the fifth, it maintains a firm commitment to society through such values as rigour, austerity, professionalism and transparency.

This new stamp features an image of the building on Calle Velázquez in Madrid, where SEPI has its headquarters. The image shows the logo of the organisation. This stamp will go on to form part of our philately world, which seeks to gather and communicate the most important aspects of a country; in this case, Spain and its institutions.