Issue date: 10 Feb, 2017

Efemérides. Reapertura del Teatro Real


Efemérides. Reapertura del Teatro Real



There is no doubt that philately in Spain is at a high. Innovation has been brought to the world of stamps, and now there are designs to interest any collector.
The stamp being issued to mark the 20th anniversary of the reopening of the Royal Theatre is proof of this.
It is a fold-out block sheet in which we can see the stage and the auditorium. Furthermore, taking the leading role, the impressive building that houses the Opera House in Madrid is placed in the centre of the stage. When the tabs representing the curtains and the seats are pulled out, the full stamp can be admired. It is larger than usual and takes the form of a perforated stamp.
In 1817 King Ferdinand VII commissioned the remodelling work of the Plaza de Oriente and proposed the building of an opera house in the same location as the former Los Caños del Peral Theatre. In April 1818, the first stone was laid but the project was not concluded until 1850.
After collapsing in 1925, the theatre closed until 1966, when it reopened its doors. Its stage was witness to performances by the National Orchestra and the RTVE Symphonic Orchestra, as at the time it was the only hall in Madrid suitable for such purpose.
In 1984, the second refurbishment works were begun to restore the theatre as an opera house. On 11 October 1997, it reopened its doors with a double programme featuring “La vida breve” and the ballet “El sombrero de tres picos”, both works by the great Manuel de Falla.
Over the past 20 years the Royal Theatre has played a leading role in the European arena, playing host to major international productions, and great world figures have taken to its stage.
In recent years it has also aimed to reach out to the general public, to all age groups, with programmes as interesting and acclaimed as El Real Junior, which offers a range of activities that open up the world of theatre and music to young children.