Issue date: 09 Oct, 2017

Exfilna 2017. Portugalete. Puente Metálico (Sello R.A.)


Exfilna 2017. Portugalete. Puente Metálico (Sello R.A.)



This year the town of Portugalete will host the 55th Philatelic Exhibition, EXFILNA, organised since 1963 by the Spanish Federation of Philatelic Societies (FESOFI), with the sponsorship of the Sociedad Estatal de Correos y Telégrafos.

To mark the occasion, Correos is issuing a new stamp dedicated to this important event. The stamp is presented on a fold-out perforated mini sheet depciting the town's Metal Bridge, Vizcaya Bridge. For the first time it includes a pop-up stamp, with augmented reality, which will symbolise the stamp rising up into the stratosphere.

The main figures featured in this issue represent two different historical moments: on the left, a man from the late 19th century; and on the right, a young woman from our era.

Two vignettes are included in the stamp, representing Portugalete’s riverside, with19th century buildings on one side and more recent ones on the other.

The vignette appearing on the right also includes the logo of the Philatelic Association of Portugalete and the town’s coat of arms.

The background of the mini sheet is blue, alluding to the estuary.

The logo of this edition also appears, with the dates of the event and a drawing of the famous Portugalete tide gauge.

The main focus of this issue, the Vizcaya bridge, Bizkaiko Zubia in Euskera, connects the two banks of the Bilbao estuary, and was inaugurated on 28 July 1893.

It was designed by Alberto Palacio Elissague and was the first ferry bridge built with a metallic structure, serving as a link between the towns of Portugalete and Getxo and thus facilitating communication between these two cities.

The bridge is a symbol of the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th century. During this era, industry around the Bilbao estuary flourished, leading to a boom in the economy.

EXFILNA will be held from 9 to 15 October 2017.