Issue date: 10 Jul, 2017

La Generación de los 70


La Generación de los 70



Correos is issuing a new mini sheet in the Generations series, touching on major milestones in recent human history.

The 1970s brought an explosion of colour, huge changes worldwide, and fascinating new breakthroughs, especially in technology.

There were many major events in this decade, but these are the subjects voted for by the subscribers to this new mini sheet:

Discovery of fibre optics: in 1970, four researchers working for the company Corning Glass made the first optical fibre. They did it by applying traces of titanium to silica. They gradually improved the technique until 22 April 1977, when General Telephone and Electronics sent the first telephone transmission by fibre optics in California.

Spanish monarchy: in 1975 Francisco Franco died and an intense political transition began in Spain. The same year, Juan Carlos de Borbón was proclaimed King, and two years later, on 15 June 1977, the first elections since the Civil War were held. The coalition Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD), led by Adolfo Suárez, won the most votes.

John Paul II: in August 1978 John Paul I was elected Pope, and just 33 days later, he passed away unexpectedly. He was succeeded by John Paul II, the first Polish Pope, and the first non-Italian for nearly 5 centuries.

Invention of the disposable syringe: some great inventions arrived to make life much easier, such as the disposable syringe, invented in 1973 by Spain’s Manuel Jalón Corominas, who also invented the modern mop.

The mini sheet with these four stamps is perforated with the numbers 7 and 0, and decorated with a very 70s floral print. There will also be a s postcard dedicated to the decade.