Issue date: 14 Sep, 2017

Maravillas del mundo moderno. Machu Pichu


Maravillas del mundo moderno. Machu Pichu



For the third year in a row, Correos is issuing a Premium Sheet on the Wonders of the Modern World. These sheets have previously featured Chichen Itza, the Great Wall of China, Christ the Redeemer, and the Taj Mahal.

This year Correos crosses the Atlantic to Peru and another of these wonders, Machu Picchu.

On 24 July 1911, the American explorer Hiram Bingham discovered the ruins of Machu Picchu. The remains of an Inca city on the Andean highlands in southern Peru, the site revealed the traces of an ancient civilisation, begun around the mid-15th century, in the era of Pachacuti, the first ruler of Tawantinsuyu. It is believed to have been a retreat for the Emperor for a hundred years, as well as a political, religious and administrative centre.

Some evidence suggests it was also a place of initiation into Inca rituals, and a holy site.

The former Inca city continues to be researched and discoveries are still being made. One of the latest discoveries was made in 2010 by David Crespy. On a visit to the ruins, he found what appeared to be a blocked-up doorway. Numerous investigations into this find, about 20 metres from the main entrance to Machu Picchu, indicated that it could be the tomb of Pachacuti himself, the founder of the city. After years of bureaucratic delays, in 2012 permission to explore further was granted, and ground-penetrating radar revealed multiple underground cavities, possibly tombs, and a large rectangular chamber. All the clues suggest that the remains of Pachacuti lie here, probably surrounded by treasure, but so far excavation has not been possible. Meanwhile, thousands of tourists a day visit this magical place, full of beauty and mystery.

The stamp shows the flag of Peru and a beautiful image of the ruins of Machu Picchu.