Issue date: 14 Jun, 2017

Valores cívicos. Día Nacional de las Lenguas de Signos Españolas


Valores cívicos. Día Nacional de las Lenguas de Signos Españolas



Civic Values are fundamental for societal harmony and are a set of principles that all citizens should obey, respect and share.
Correos has been dedicating stamps to values such as solidarity, diversity and creativity for many years.
On this occasion the stamp highlights the National Day of Spanish Sign Languages.
A Premium Sheet will be issued with 20 stamps. The Premium Sheet includes a series of words written in sign language: “share”, “right”, “participate”, “sign”, “communicate” and “equality”.
The stamp features an image with the signed word for “thank you”.
The State Confederation of Deaf People, CNSE, was formed on 14 June 1936 to promote initiatives defending the rights of people who use Spanish and Catalan sign languages.
Many years later, this day has finally been declared the National Day of Spanish Sign Languages, representing a step forward in the standardisation, promotion and protection of these languages
The more people who know these languages, the better understanding we will have of the deaf and the deaf-blind and the more attention can be brought to these groups.
Sign languages are a creative solution for people with this sensory limitation. They are visual, spacial, gestural and manual. They reflect the patterns of human language with their own visual grammar.
There are different sign languages in the world, and there are even countries that share the same spoken language but have different sign languages.
Spanish and Catalan sign languages are both used today in Spain, having gone from use in the home to the present situation, where they are found in all areas and social contexts.