Issue date: 25 May, 2018

12 meses 12 sellos. Catedral de León. León


12 meses 12 sellos. Catedral de León. León



León is once again the subject of a stamp, in this case showing León Cathedral. This new miniature sheet features a subject that doesn't appear on the stampdedicated to the Province of León, part of the 12 Months, 12 Stamps, 12 Provinces series.

León Cathedral, known affectionately by local residents as Pulchra Leonina, is an iconic building for the city and Spain in general, as it was the first building to be declared a National Monument, through a Royal Order on 28 August 1844. In a French-influenced Gothic style, it was built in the 13th century, on the ruins of Roman baths. While there is still some doubt as to the exact identities of the master architects who oversaw the project, it seems likely the main three were Master Simón and Master Enrique both of French origin (hence the French influence of the cathedral, which recalls the Cathedral of Notre Dame or the Saint Denis Basilica) and Master Juan Pérez, who was Spanish.

The building has undergone many modifications. Collapses caused by humidity, the famous Lisbon earthquake, and falling masonry in the mid-19th century all required extensive repairs over the years. In the 19th century, Juan Madrazo and Demetrio de los Ríos carried out a major renovation that gave the Cathedral of St. Mary of León its current appearance, more in keeping with its origins.

The building's exterior boasts sculpted porticoes, colourful stained glass and impressive rose windows, while its interior features one of the oldest chancels in Spain. The cathedral houses sculptures of great beauty, such the Virgin of Hope, the White Virgin and the image of the Immaculate Virgin, in the Gothic style native to León.

The miniature sheet shows the cathedral's main façade, with the stamp featuring the centre of it, printed using various techniques: the central rose window was printed using silver offset and the pointed windows in cold foil, while the main tympanum is embossed. The stamp and the pointed glass windows are perforated.