Issue date: 02 Jul, 2018

12 meses, 12 sellos. Valladolid


12 meses, 12 sellos. Valladolid



This month Valladolid is the star of the philatelic series 12 months, 12 stamps, 12 provinces. The stamp will be used this month as the flat-postage rate for all post-office shipments sent from the featured province. Sightseeing in the Plaza Mayor, visiting its important museums, and trying the local cuisine are just a few ways to enjoy Valladolid. Some of its distinguishing features are shown on this stamp.

Casa de la Beneficencia. This hospice for the elderly was opened in Valladolid on 18 July 1818 as a charity. This year marks its bicentenary.

Teatro Calderón. Long considered one of Spain's best and most important theatres. Each year it hosts Valladolid’s International Film Week (SEMINCI).

Barrel. This refers to how wines are aged. The barrel slowly oxygenates the wines and adds texture and aroma.

Canal de Castilla. One of the largest and most important canals ever built in Spain. It runs through the provinces of Burgos, Palencia and Valladolid.

Regional costume. The item shown is part of an outfit on display in the Castiella Museum – a fine example of the province’s ethnographic and cultural heritage.

Seven maidens of Simancas. The image alludes to the legend of seven maidens who cut their hands off to save themselves from being given to the fourth Umayyad Emir of Córdoba.

Simancas. Philip II converted the castle to be the General Archive of the Kingdom, now known as Archivo General de Simancas. It holds one of the largest collections of historic documents in Europe.

Treaty of Tordesillas. The agreement between the Catholic Monarchs and the King of Portugal on the distribution of seafaring areas.

Ceramics. Mudejar potters settled in the area and produced ceramics from the 12th century until the end of the Middle Ages.

Books. Representing the town of Urueña, which has become Spain’s first Book Town thanks to its many bookshops and museums.

Squirrel. You can find squirrels everywhere on the Meseta, Spain’s central plateau.

Sarcophagus of the Infante don Alfonso. This prince was the third son of Sancho IV and María de Molina. The tomb is an impressive example of Mudejar woodwork.

Lechuguino. This is the curious name of Valladolid’s favourite bread, a round white loaf.

Wheat. One of the most widespread crops in the province, responsible for the gold foreground of all its landscapes.

The lower red stripe alludes to the provincial flag.