Issue date: 27 Apr, 2018

25 años Muestra Internacional de las Artes del Humor


25 años Muestra Internacional de las Artes del Humor


This series dedicated to Comics and Cartoons was begun five years ago. This year it coincides with a special event - the twenty-fifth annual International Comic Art Exhibition (MIAH) organised by the Quevedo Institute of Comic Arts (IQH), part of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá.

This edition’s mini sheet contains a detail of one work from every edition held up to now. This makes a collective artwork framing the stamp itself, which features a fantastic caricature of Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas, masterfully drawn by Ricardo Martínez in March 1997 for the cover of Issue 0 of the Graphic Humour Information Magazine, Quevedos.

The mini sheet depicts the following authors, in order of publication: Ramón Gutiérrez; José M. Gallego and Julio Rey, Gallego y Rey; Antonio Fraguas, Forges; Miguel Ángel García Laparra, Maikel; José Antonio Ortiz Fuster, Ortifus; César Oroz; Armengol Tosá Badia, Ermengol; José Arles Herrera, Calarcá; Antonio Mingote; Joaquín Aldeguer; José María Fandiño; David Vela; Orcajo; Santiago Almarza; Jaume Capdevila, Kap; Enric Arenós, Quique; Diego Doblas; Antonio Postigo; Carlos Villafranca Ortiz, Tres; José Luis Martín Zabala; Enrique Pérez Penedo; Carlos Romeu; José Manuel Puebla; David García Vivancos, DGV; and Ricardo Martínez.

Ricardo Martínez Ortega, 1956 (Chile), began working in the late 1970s, producing artwork for publications and advertising agencies in Miami. It was in Miami where he met Ignacio Moreno, with whom he created Goomer in 1987. Their character was published in El País and El Mundo with the byline “Ricardo & Nacho”. In 1989 Ricardo started working at El Mundo newspaper, where his work is still featured today.

His work can be seen in various museums, including the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, the National Library of Spain, and the Bill Clinton Library. He has also been awarded a number of prizes, including the 8 del Oro, the Madrid Tono Prize, the Haxtur Prize in Gijón, and the Gat Perich.

One of his latest exhibitions, Politicians and Other Animals, was produced by the IQH and featured the work which is now on the stamp.

The MIAH is a set of activities focusing on humour, organised from September to November every year by the IQH, which brings together numerous Spanish and international authors.