Issue date: 09 Nov, 2018

Efemérides. 40 años de la Constitución


Efemérides. 40 años de la Constitución



On 5 January 1978, the Official Government Gazette published the first draft of the Spanish Constitution. The real path to democracy had begun.

Among other things, the Constitution introduced the separation of powers, and political and ideological freedoms. It also described the historical and social aspirations of all the peoples of Spain and the desire for the country’s development and unity.

The text consists of 169 articles and can be divided into three parts: one setting out the fundamental principles, rights and duties of the State and the individual; another defining institutions and their functions; and finally, a discussion of reforms of the Constitution itself. It is structured as a preamble, four additional provisions, nine transitional provisions, a derogation provision, and a final provision.

On 6 December 1978 the text was put to a referendum in which all Spanish citizens aged 18 or over could participate, to decide whether the new Spanish Constitution should come into force.

87% of the votes were in favour. On 27 December that year, it was approved by the King, and two days later, it was published in the BOE.

Forty years later, the Spanish Constitution is still the law of the land, and 6 December is a national holiday, marking the day on which the people voted for it.

As it did when it first became law and on its most significant previous anniversaries, Correos is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Constitution with a commemorative stamp.

In the foreground, it depicts one of the lions that stand at the entrance to the Spanish Parliament, resting on the logo created for this important occasion. Around the sculpture, a diagram of the layout of the Congress, with the seats in foil, invites us to join in this major celebration.