Issue date: 07 Nov, 2018

Flora. Árbol histórico El Abuelo.


Flora. Árbol histórico El Abuelo.



Over 60 metres tall and with a circumference of 7.5 metres at the foot of the trunk, El Abuelo (Grandfather) is believed to be one of the largest trees in Spain.

In the Souto da Retorta, in the Chavín forest, this eucalyptus globulus is considered to be the grandfather of all the other trees here, as its plaque states.

The grandfather is over 130 years old and receives many visitors, who often join hands to see how many are needed to encircle its trunk.

Correos presents a mini sheet with a picture of the tree, admired by adults and children holding hands. Its branches hold six self-adhesive stamps in the shape of eucalyptus leaves, with their characteristic intense scent.

The image of O Avó (grandfather in Galician) is accompanied by a text about this centenarian tree.

This beautiful natural monument is included in the Galician catalogue of unique trees. In 2010 it was named Tree of the Year in the Tree and Forest of the Year awards organised by Bosques sin Fronteras and the Fundación Biodiversidad.

It is also on the list of the largest trees in Europe.

So this very special eucalyptus may no longer be the tallest in its forest, but it represents nature at its purest, the origin of the forests which have been the lungs of Spain for hundreds of years.

There are many “grandparents” in our mountains and forests, and this grandfather of Lugo reminds us of the importance of conserving our flora and fauna, which enrich Spain and contribute to improving our quality of life.

El Abuelo has seen many years go by, and let’s hope it sees many more.

Carmen Álvarez Casanova