Issue date: 26 Mar, 2018






Keen to promote Spanish culture, Correos is issuing a further three Premium Sheets dedicated to Spain’s museums.

This time it is the Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, which turned 20 in 2017, the Museo Marítimo del Cantábrico and the Cuerpo de Conservadores de Museos that are the central figures in the three Premium Sheets joining the Museums series that has been issued over the years, taking our country's museums all over the world on its stamps.

Museo Guggenheim Bilbao. Bilbao: if we look at the river, the building playing host to the museum suggests a large ship, as a symbol of Bilbao's identity. But Frank Gehry, the architecture who designed it, also intended to recall the scales of a fish through its brilliant panels. This building with impossible forms houses works from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation as well as travelling exhibitions.

The stamp depicts an image of the museum from the other side of the river, from Avenida de las Universidades, where this gem of modern architecture can be contemplated in all its splendour.

Museo Marítimo del Cantábrico. Santander: this building is intended to promote Cantabria's maritime heritage as a showcase for its diversity and its inhabitants’ relationship with the sea throughout the centuries. The stamp depicts an image of the museum's two main attractions: the skeletons of two whales, one of which, a finback whale over twenty metres long whose corpse was found in the last century. The display of contents is divided up into the following four large areas: Life in the sea; Fishermen and fisheries; Cantabria and the sea in history; and Cutting-edge technology in the face of the sea.

Cuerpo de Conservadores de Museos: 1867 marked the creation of the Antiquary Section of the Cuerpo de Archiveros y Bibliotecarios (Association of Archivists and Librarians), today’s Cuerpo Facultativo de Conservadores de Museos (Faculty Association of Museum Curators). Its main goal is to conserve, research and promote heritage and cultural assets. This year, to mark its 150th anniversary, it is also the main feature of a Premium Sheet showing pictures of the past and present of this thrilling profession.