Issue date: 12 Jul, 2019

40 años de Seguridad Social y sus Entidades Gestoras


40 años de Seguridad Social y sus Entidades Gestoras



In 1978, Spain underwent a multitude of significant changes to its state structure. Perhaps one of the most significant of these was the Social Security reform.

40 years ago, the Social Security Treasury (TGSS) was established as a common service for the entire system, with fundamental principles such as ‘the general fund’ and ‘financial solidarity’.

Insalud was created for healthcare management, the INSS was responsible for benefits, the INEM focused on unemployment and INSERSO was in control of social services. This all fell under the umbrella of one fund for the administration of the Social Security resources and assets, the TGSS.

Since then it has continued to progress, achieving great milestones for the welfare of Spaniards and residents of Spain.

Today, it has made some notable achievements, such as parents being able to care for their children who are suffering from cancer, leave for pregnancy risks, breastfeeding leave and other issues that were incomprehensible but very necessary 40 years ago.

The design of the stamp features a blurry background of people walking, six symbols representing some of the most important aspects of Social Security, with green money as a symbol of this institution.

The cross represents health and the way the Social Security system protects it; some money that reminds us of both the collection and benefits it provides; a helmet as a symbol of work; a calculator representing the economic administration; sticks for older people or those that need it, representing pensions and also sickness benefits; finally, a heart, also a symbol of the safety and welfare that the Spanish Social Security system guarantees all citizens.

Over these 40 years, Spain has made great progress in this respect, and today it continues working to ensure what we have and make even greater achievements.