Issue date: 30 Oct, 2019

Conjuntos Urbanos Patrimonio Humanidad. Úbeda y Baeza


Conjuntos Urbanos Patrimonio Humanidad. Úbeda y Baeza



This year, the series World Heritage Cities is issuing a mini sheet with a beautiful chalcography of the cities Úbeda and Baeza, in Jaén.

Both cities were declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites on 3 July 2003.

As well as sharing this honour, Úbeda and Baeza also share a historic, artistic and cultural legacy which is unique in Spain.

In the 16th century both towns became favourite spots for the aristocracy of the time. Their excellent location and convenient communication network led important figures of the time, such as Francisco de los Cobos, secretary to Charles V, and Juan Vázquez de Molina, his nephew and secretary for the affairs of Castilla, to choose to live here. Also, around 1550, Juan Vázquez de Molina started building the sumptuous palace that bears his name in Úbeda, his native city. Also known as Casa de las Cadenas, it is now the City Hall and was declared a National Monument in 1931.

This Palace is the subject of the U-shaped stamp, which shows a detail of the building on half of the mini sheet.

The other half of the mini sheet shows part of the Cathedral of Natividad de Nuestra Señora, a Renaissance building in Baeza, which was the seat of the bishopric of Jaén province from 1227 to 1249, when it was moved to the city of Jaén.

According to tradition, the cathedral was built over a mosque which had been consecrated for use by Christians by King Alfonso VII. After that it became a mosque again, until it was finally consecrated once more as a Christian church in 1227.

This B-shaped stamp shows a detail of the exterior of the building, the fountain of Santa María, one of the city’s most iconic structures.