Issue date: 12 Jul, 2019

Efemérides. 130 Años de UGT (1888-2018)


Efemérides. 130 Años de UGT (1888-2018)



At half past ten on 12 August 1888, the first Spanish National Worker’s Congress commenced at the Circulo Socialista, located on Calle Tallers de Barcelona. 16 delegates representing 44 trade societies came together with a common goal: to form the first national organisation of workers’ societies to defend their rights against employers.

Made up of local trade unions and national federations, they passed a programme of a fixed minimum wage and eight-hour working day.

One of the most important figures in this congress was Pablo Iglesias Posse, and he is the main reason behind the logo for the 130th anniversary of the founding of the Unión General de Trabajadores (General Workers’ Union) (UGT).

As the founder of the Spanish Socialist Party was also associated with the founding of the UGT, both organisations were very closely connected. An interesting fact is that the first Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party conference established a rule stating that to be a member you had to be part of the union, which had been created just a few days earlier.

In 1890, the 2nd UGT Congress was held and 1 May was celebrated as Labour Day in Spain for the first time. This holiday is still held every May in Spain. By the end of the 19th century the UGT had over 26,000 members and this passed 43,000 in 1910. In the same year, Pablo Iglesias became the first socialist deputy in the Spanish Parliament.

Today, the UGT is one of the largest and most represented unions, making it a social partner. The UGT is a progressive, committed, demanding, democratic and independent organisation with a presence in all sectors of activity and across Spain.

The stamp to commemorate 130 years since its foundation includes the logo designed for this important anniversary and the face of founder Pablo Iglesias, just like the stamp Correos issued in 1988 to commemorate the organisation's centenary.