Issue date: 07 May, 2019

Juvenia 2019. Burgos


Juvenia 2019. Burgos



From 7 to 11 May 2019, Burgos will be hosting the National Junior Philately Exposition, Spanish Championship, better known as Juvenia. Organised by the Burgos Philatelic and Numismatic Circle and sponsored by the Sociedad Estatal Correos y Telégrafos, the Burgos City Council and FESOFI, its main headquarters will be at the Monastery of San Juan in Burgos.

The Spanish Federation of Philatelic Societies (FESOFI) has been organising Juvenia since 1971, giving awards for the best collections to young philatelists from several European countries.

As it has done each year this event has been held, Correos will again issue a mini sheet with a stamp dedicated to the event. On this occasion, the mini sheet includes an illustration of one of the façades of the Cathedral of Burgos with the famous rosette in foil to make it more prominent. As with the National Exhibition, the focus of this mini sheet is on young people. One person appears taking a selfie with the cathedral in the background; two other boys appear talking and laughing in front of the monument; and finally, another young person is doing a flip on a skateboard decorated with the Correos logo.

The skateboarder appears holding this year's celebratory stamp that Correos is dedicating to the Exhibition. The stamp features an intaglio of the Monastery of San Juan in Burgos, where the exhibition will be hosted.

The Juvenia 2019 logo features on both the stamp and the mini sheet.

The stamp also incorporates Augmented Reality, a feature that always adds great value to the release.

These types of exhibitions continue to show that Philately is more alive than ever, being popular not only among the elderly but also among many young people, who are increasingly passionate about the art of collecting stamps

Carmen Álvarez Casanova